“All our best men are laughed at in this nightmare land.”- Jack Kerouac
He’s on Chapter 10 now of Kerouac’s classic.
The idea came to him one day while waiting
for his wife in a bookstore when he noticed a
hardcover copy of it on sale for just $7.99.
He thought about buying it since he’d heard
so many references and mentions of the novel.
Instead he came up with a better way to read
it and put the plan into place as he drove across
the country he planned to visit bookstores
not far off the interstates, roads and highways.
In each store, he’d find the low to the ground
fake leather chairs and ordered a large iced tea.
When the chapter was finished, he placed the
book back on the shelf, used the men’s room,
returned to the highway, and drove for another
200 miles or so before finding the next bookstore,
another drink, and where he’d left off in the story.
Maybe he’d be finished by August, near Delaware.